
Coconut Shrimp with Vegeable Stir Fry

My brother posted a tip on his blog the other day that reminded me of a super good practice. It may sound totally obvious, but I think that way way too many of us ignore it anyway. I know I do. 

Nutrition Tip of the Day: Avoid Poisonous Things. Whether this be plant (ivy), animal (bear), grains/beans/processed foods/hydrogenated fats (wink, wink), or even some of the people in your life – the easiest way and best way to get healthy is to simply avoid them. This includes the cookie tray at work (my weakness – thanks to Doug Gable’s amazingly talented wife)! Or, in a lot of cases, a person who whenever they are near causes you stress – except your boss, that is. This can be a tough one! Below Mark Sisson outlines a sometimes poisonous food. Nightshades. How can you know if something is poisonous in your life? Give it the 30 day challenge! Cut it out completely for 30 days – then give it a reintroduction. Don’t feel well? Stressed? Sick? Tired? Etc? Then it is not a good choice for you. I can’t do some types of dairy – but maybe you can. I can eat tomatoes though so sometimes it works out. We heard from Katie yesterday about the reintroduction of bread into a little ones meal and what the affect was. Many of you have commented to me privately of similar feelings. My uber realtor Sharon (also a member here!) told me just Tuesday about the affect she had after a recent reintroduction of a food long removed from her diet. The stories are all the same. Just give it 30 days. That’s all I can ask. Do you have a story to share? Click Reply All or Comment and let us know!

So what do you think? This recipe below contains peppers, a nightshade, however I have no adverse affects from them. However I consistently poison myself everyday with a job that constantly undermines my desires and abilities. Unfortunately the 30 day trial is uber difficult to meld into the working environment...

Sarah from Everyday Paleo also bring up a really good point regarding eating in a paleo style, the style this website loosely follows. One of my friends asks me constantly "Is this paleo?" "Can I eat this?" "Will this effect my diet?"; this post was like a reenactment of my dialogue with her! It is also the inspiration for this recipe today (I cut the ingredient amounts because I am all of one person, ha!)

Basically, eat what works for you. Do what works for you. Life the way it works best for you. As I've stated quite a few times before, your life is ALL ABOUT YOU! Enjoy it :)

Coconut Shrimp and Vegetable Stir Fry

The Food
- 12 small/medium shrimp, peeled and deveined, with tail, patted dry
- 1 tbs coconut flour
- Dash of sea salt
- Dash of cayenne pepper
- 1 egg white
~ 1 cup coconut flakes

- 1/2 red pepper, cut into strips
- 1 cup broccoli florets
- 1 cup cauliflower florets
- 1 tbs coconut flour
- 1 clove garlic, minced
- Dash of sea salt
- Dash of cayenne pepper

The Prep
Preheat oven to 400°
Mix flour, salt and cayenne in a bowl
Beat egg white in a second bowl
Put coconut flakes in a third bowl

The Method
Working like a production line, dredge each shrimp in the flour, then the egg, then the coconut flakes
Place on lightly greased baking sheet **super important!! will stick otherwise!!**
Bake about 12 minutes until shrimp have curled into a nice "C" shape and the flakes have started to brown

While the shrimps are baking, heat the coconut oil in a wok over medium heat
Add garlic and cook about 30 seconds
Add vegetables
Season with salt and cayenne
Stir, flip, swivel
Cook the vegetables to your preference of texture, about 10 minutes for a nice tender-crisp

Enjoy :)

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