
Everything is Better Roasted (with Bacon)

Roasting is quite possibly my new favorite thing in the kitchen. Not awfully surprising, considering that I LOVE baking. It's just so easy, and tasty (especially wrapped in bacon :). If you know you are going to be home for 2 hours before dinner, or maybe in the morning before work, ROAST SOMETHING! Prep work is minimal, favor is outstanding, and generally produces enough leftovers for days. Most roasted meats freeze well, too.


Diet Needs

As I sit 25 days into a 30 day Paleo Challenge at N-Raged Crossfit, I am feeling like it's time to bring up the subject of diet once again. What does your diet consist of? Is it wholesome, nutritious, and satisfying? Do you have energy, stable weight maintenance, normal sleep patterns, and a stable mood pattern? How about allergies, sickness, and soreness? It's amazing how our diet stretches to all parts of our lives. And it is something that we can control.